
Service Level Guarantees *

This page represents our service level guarantees and commitment to prove your satisfactory experience with us. Web Hosting, Virtual Private Servers Hosting, Domain Name Registrations, Domain Name Transfers and SSL Certificates, all are services we offer. Quality service is our primary mission we are constantly chasing to achieve, thus reaching as higher results as possible. Apart from our daily work and efforts to maintain and support stable and quality services, we are proud with our custom in-house build web based control panel. Its progressive design and functionality is combined to enrich your daily efforts and pleasure while working with your control panel user interface.

Гарантия Uptime - 99,9%

99.9% Uptime Guarantee is our commitment to you and round-the-clock efforts to keep our network running. System uptime we strive to sustain is up to ninety-nine point nine percent of the time.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

30 Days Money Back Guarantee is our promise for an immediate refund within the first 30 days of the web hosting service in case you are not satisfied or just change your mind for some reason.

24x7 поддержка клиентов

24x7 Customer Support is our everlasting commitment to be on duty. Monitoring, servers' maintenance and support to your requests is our customer support twenty-four-hour work.

Инновационные технологии

Technology Innovation represents commitment to our continuous research and development process for better and innovative technologies. Our services will keep on evolving through the live implementation and deployment of these technologies.

Мы предоставляем Бесплатный хостинг

Test Hosting Service Free is our free web hosting offer to you. Signup for a free account within several simple steps and experience what it feels like to have professional service at no cost.

Панель управления хостингом

Web Hosting Control Panel is a fully featured in-house developed control panel. Unlikely other hosting companies using standard control panels we prefer to build and develop our own based on our client's needs.

100% Industry Quality

100% Industry Quality is our devotion to offer top of the line hardware and its proper clustered configuration. This combined with our in-house developed software and newly innovative features achieve superb quality.

5 free Domains with Select Hosting Plans. Get yours!

* Service Level Guarantees are achieved at our paid services.
Все цены включают НДС.
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